Sweetgreen opens at Tree Studios, features locally grown produce

Sweetgreen opened its first Midwest location at 623 N State Street, Tree Studios. The DC based chain's newest store features fresh produce sourced from local farms, such as Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery in Champaign, IL, which provides the store's weekly 100 lb supply of goat cheese delivered by very unconventional means: Amtrak. Other providers include Growing Power (kale), Edewater's Phoenix Bean (tofu), and Evanston's Hewn Bakery (bread).

The new restaurant and it's suplly chain were recently highlighted in the Chicago Tribune. For the complete story, visit the Chicago Tribune website at http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-sweetgreen-chicago-0823-biz-20160808-story.html

For more about Sweetgreen, visit: sweetgreen.com